Титульный лист


Свободный перевод с идиша

Й. Векслера

Под общей редакцией проф. Г. Брановера

«Ш А М И Р»


ИЕРУСАЛИМ • НЬЮ-ЙОРК 5766 • 2006


An Anthology of Таlks Relating to the weekly sections

of the Torah by the Lubavitcher Rebbe RABBI MENACHEM M. SCHNEERSON


Russian translation by Y. Weksler Edited by Prof. H. Branover

Published jointly by the SHAMIR Organization of Israel

and the F.R.E.E. Publishing House of New York

Copyright 2006 by "SHAMIR"


the association of religious scientists and professionals

from the soviet union and eastern europe

6 David Yellin Street, I'.O.B. 5749, Jerusalem 91057

Tel. 02-5385702 / Pax 02-5385118

Email: shamirbooks@bezeqint.net / www.shamirbooks.org.il

American Friends of shamir 160 Broadway, Suite 710, New York. NY 10038 i'd. 718-536-4982 / www.shamir.info / Bookstore: www.shamirbooks.com

F.R.E.E. Publishing House


Friends of Refugees of Eastern Europe

National Headquaters

1383 President Street / Brooklyn, New York 11213 Tel. 718-467-0860 / fax 718-467-2146 Email: puhlications@russianjewry.org www.RussianJewry.org

Online bookstore: www.JRBooks.оrg

isbn: 965-294-088-1

'Знак г соответствует древнееврейскому n и читается как английское h.

Printed in Israel

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